Road Safe America is committed to making trucking safer in the U.S.
We are a non-profit with a mission to reduce the number of crashes between trucks and passenger cars. This will prevent injuries and save lives while benefitting our economy.
Solutions We Support
Increased Supply Chain Accountability | Better Technology | Improved Truck Driver Compensation
Who We Are
Steve and Susan Owings
Steve and Susan co-founded Road Safe America after their son, Cullum, was tragically killed in a truck crash on his way back to college. The truck was traveling above the speed limit, on cruise control, and didn’t apply his brakes until 100 feet from the stopped vehicles in a traffic jam, slamming into their son’s vehicle. Since then, they have been promoting sensible safety solutions to prevent similar tragedies from happening to other families.
How Can You Help?
Ready to get involved?
Making trucking safer affects each of us. We support solutions that are based on research and real-world use, and hope to work with you in pursuit of this goal. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, a donation to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our government to change, we need you on our team.
Sign up to learn more about truck safety solutions and what you can do to help make our roads safer.